Commented on Uncharted:
   "I haven't had the chance to read your series for a while, but I finally got to reading it and once more you managed to make me laugh. Good job like always!"
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8 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "Bill McStove you continue to make me laugh! You need to be a comedian my dude, god I haven't laugh so hard in ages. I can't even write something this funny if I tried. Cheers!"
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8 years ago

Commented on Sera Storme:
   "Sorry I haven't had the time to read your book but I read the first chapter and the beginning has me hooked. So I sense a book read is ahead for me, now it's finding the time lol. So I'll be reading it on occasion, but the first chapter and cover alone has me hooked. I see great potential here! While you at it you can check out my book "The Thousand Years War"."
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8 years ago

Commented on Ghosts of Eagle Valley:
   "I finally got to sharing your book and getting you on twitter. Give my series a check, it will blow your mind even more! If you like sci-fi/paranormal/time travel that is! :)"
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8 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "Lol Who would had thought the darkest place on earth was a strip mall. Man my book is too literal with darkness. Funny as hell!"
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8 years ago

Commented on Ghosts of Eagle Valley:
   "Hey you got twitter or facebook so I can share your book?"
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8 years ago

Commented on Ghosts of Eagle Valley:
   "I always saw ghosts as something to be scared of or something you would associate with horror and terror. However this book kind of changed that for me, it's a risky thing to do. However your execution is good, wish there was more though."
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8 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "I got a chance to keep reading your book and it just gets funnier and funnier. Especially where you have to carve the turkey! Never knew it was so important. Anyway it's a nice fun read so far!"
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8 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "I started to read it and it sounds promising so far! I'm going to read more but I got two deadlines to meet first one with a short story contest and the second with my second novel. But it sounds good so far. Happy for you!"
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8 years ago